divide words into syllables worksheet

divide words into syllables worksheet

less than a minute read 06-09-2024
divide words into syllables worksheet


Dividing words into syllables is a fundamental skill in reading and writing. This worksheet is designed to help students practice this important skill by breaking words down into manageable parts. Understanding syllables enhances phonemic awareness, which is essential for developing strong literacy skills.

What is a Syllable?

A syllable is a single, unbroken sound of a spoken (or written) word. Each syllable contains a vowel sound and may include surrounding consonants. For example, the word "water" has two syllables: wa-ter.

Examples of Syllable Division

  1. Candle: can-dle (2 syllables)
  2. Computer: com-pu-ter (3 syllables)
  3. Elephant: el-e-phant (3 syllables)
  4. Butterfly: but-ter-fly (3 syllables)

Worksheet Instructions

  1. Read each word carefully.
  2. Clap each time you hear a syllable in the word.
  3. Divide the words into syllables using hyphens (-).
  4. Write the number of syllables next to each word.

Syllable Division Practice

Word Syllables Number of Syllables
Elephant el-e-phant 3
Computer com-pu-ter 3
Beautiful beau-ti-ful 3
Strawberry straw-ber-ry 3
Notebook note-book 2
Happy hap-py 2
Incredible in-cred-i-ble 4
Mathematics math-e-mat-ics 4


Practicing syllable division is essential for improving reading fluency and comprehension. By using this worksheet, students will become more familiar with how to break down words into syllables, making it easier for them to read and write effectively. Encourage them to continue practicing with new words to strengthen their skills!

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